20 days late!

Hey girls, I have never posted on here before so Im not even sure Im doing it right! Please bare with me. So, I am 20 days late, I have taken a test a few days ago and it was negative. Normally i would shrug it off and just wait HOWEVER... I have been having strange things happen this month. First, 11 days before my period was due i spotted very lightly (pink) blood for 2/3 days, no cramps nothing! Then ( this bit is GROSS!) a few days after that, after i had gone for a poo, when i wiped it was green!! That has NEVER happened in my wholeeeee life, wth! Then around 10 days after i was late i went for a wee, wiped and there was ONE spot of pink blood, nothing more then the day after the same thing ONE spot of pink blood and nothing more since then!

Has anybody ever experienced anything like this! Was you pregnant? CONFUSED😩