Help/ guidance please


I posted a few days ago about my ultrasound when I was supposed to be six weeks one day. Today I went to the doctor and she just said to me she doesn’t think it’s a viable pregnancy because I was measuring small. She said there was she’s going to do bloodwork as my hormones have been rising but that even if my hormones rise it may not

Mean anything and she was like “your measuring less than five weeks when You should’ve been six weeks. You’re probably going to miscarry.”

I have another ultrasound appointment on Tuesday of next week, and made an appointment with a different doctor for tomorrow because I didn’t like how they just kind of shooed me out.

Has this happened to anyone before? I had a yolk sac and gestational sac but they didn’t see the baby... I’m not bleeding (knock on wood) and don’t have cramps and like a psycho keep taking pregnancy tests that read positive right away