Can someone help prepare me? I don’t understand what’s going on

Im currently around 5 weeks

I’ve been spotting since Friday night (at the time late 4 weeks)

Friday it was red with few clots

It was heavy enough to go through my underwear

And then it was pink spotting only when wiping until Sunday night I had a bit of darker spotting that was between brown and red , again, only when wiping

Then it was light brown until today, where I thought I was almost done, and then it out of no where was red again (but only when wiping except a few light spots on my pad) with few clots and is now seeming to go back to where it was

Has anyone else had spotting like this?

Friday I went to the ER

Where my HCG levels were around 9500

And everything looked okay

Then I called my OB office and they told me to get my blood drawn Monday where my HCG levels raised to around 21,500

Then told me that they were moving up my ultrasound to next week and to get my HCG levels measured again on Wednesday

Has anyone else had bleeding/an experience like this?