She's finally here 😢

ashley • mama to harley grace 💗

Miss Harley Grace is finally, finally here. This pregnancy absolutely drug by, especially after finding out our sweet girl has heart defects at 20 weeks. I saw 4 doctors a week, had 2 NST, and 1 ultrasound a week for 19 weeks. Everyday we prayed our baby girl would be kept healthy & safe. At 39 weeks 3 days, we came in for my scheduled C Section (breeched), at 5 AM. I cried three times in the waiting room because I "wasn't ready." 🤦🏽‍♀️ They took me back to pre op, and then the operating room for my spinal, which I was terrified to get. The anesthesiologist couldn't find the right spot to numb me, and tried 5 times. By the time he got it to work, I was crying & shaking. Having the spinal was the weirdest feeling, for some reason it made my claustrophobia worse! After they finished prepping me, they went to find baby's heartbeat. It had dropped to 70, and wasn't coming back up. All of the doctors & nurses started running around, throwing curtains up & scrubs on. They called NICU & told them to come straight down for "the cardiac baby in OR 11." I kept asking if she was ok, and no one was answering. I was shaking, crying, and couldn't breathe. She was out within 3 minutes, as the door shut while they were rushing out, I heard the tiniest cry. Once she was stabilized, they brought her in for a second & then brought her to NICU. I was given meds for the shaking, which had a side effect of making my face super itchy, so I scratched my whole bottom of my face up. I also had a reaction to the morphine, so underneath both eyes and halfway down my face was blue & purple. By 3 hours after, I got up and into a wheelchair to go to the NICU. I threw up twice, but that was it, which was really nice since throwing up is something I try to avoid at all costs 😂. She has 3 heart defects, as well as 2 holes in her heart, so she was supposed to stay in the NICU for 24-48 hours, but was doing so good they sent her to our room after only 6ish hours!! She's doing great, very spoiled. She wants nothing but to be held all night while she sleeps (and screams until I do). I can't help but think of those few minutes of having no idea if my baby was ok or even alive, so I hold her. I've slept 2 hours since she was born, but I don't mind. She's truly the best thing to ever happen to us. 💗

Harley Grace Martin

November 5th, 2018 9:55 AM

8 Pounds 1 Ounce, 20.5 Inches long

Our perfect rainbow. 🌈💛

Finally able to hold her after 3 hours!

4 AM 🙂

Can't get over this one 😂 ^^