Bfp!!! Pregnant with PCOS on metformin


Here is my test progression from left to right-12 DPO 13 DPO and 14 DPO.

Crazy part of this is that I got pregnant on cycle day 48! My last period was in the beginning of September! And as soon as my cycle was done, I started using OPKs for the first time. I got my first positive opk around cd 27. We BD every other day leading up to ovulation day and after. I was convinced we had finally done it. But 2 weeks later I was getting multiple negative pregnancy tests and no sign of period!

After all that frustration, I finally decide to start taking metformin thinking it could help jumpstart my cycle. (I’ve been on metformin before and it made me sick for months. So i was weary on starting it again thinking it would made me sick again)

2 days after taking metformin I had excessive amount of CM and realized it was EGCM. I was also cramping and bloated and all other ovulation signs. I didn’t think it was possible to ovulate this late and for the “second” time this cycle! But I thought what the heck. I’ll pee on a stick for fun. Turns out my opk was blatantly positive again! I told my husband and and we bd that night. I actually temped after my positive opk to be sure my BBT shows that I actually ovulated this time. And based on my bbt alone, you can tell i ovulated!

12 dpo later and I get a positive!!!! I have no symptoms just yet. Just extremely exhausted but that’s it. I took a test out of curiosity really. Didn’t really think it would happen because we only BD once that whole week! I still can’t believe it! Metformin has been the miracle drug for me!!! I was only on 500 mg once a day! With my first pregnancy it took us 18 months to get pregnant. The last 3 months of the 18 months I got pregnant while on metformin. This one took 3 months TTC and a few weeks on metformin!

I never would have been able to get pregnant this quickly without the help of OPKs and metformin. I still can’t believe it! When I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2012 I was told I would have an extremely hard time getting pregnant without the help of

fertility drugs

. So when I got pregnant with my first, they told me she was a miracle baby. So ever since than, I thought my chances of a second baby were even more slim! And here’s proof that If it’s meant to be, It’ll happen one way or another!

I hope my story brings hope to those suffering from pcos, endometriosis or some sort of infertility. I know what it’s like to see a BFP and wishing so badly it was yours. Keep trying. Relax. Know your body. Dont lose hope!