Loathing the long distance

I can't believe how unbelievably cliche this is going to sound but...long distance is honestly the worst.

We have been successfully doing long-distance for a year now, after a year spent seeing each other every day, and I could never imagine how much it would hurt to say goodbye.

It truly feels like like a pain in my chest, like I can't breath, every time I see him get back onto a plane.

The first few days after he's gone are always the hardest because I wake up and roll over, forgetting that he's not there. Or I hear something funny and turn to laugh with him but he's gone. Phone calls and messages can never substitute gentle kisses on the cheek or the feel of his hand on my lower back when we stand together in a room.

I miss him beyond words and it feels like an absolute lose-lose situation. We either breakup and lose the most unbelievable love....or we continue with the constant ache of separation for another 2 years.

When do we get to the part where we wake up together and we're not counting the days?