Movement for 2nd pregnancy??

Katie • Mommy of Austin Philip Hindman Jr aka (bug)🐞 pregnant 🤰 with my daughter Aries lynn 💖 4/22/19

Someone make me feel not alone!! 😭😭😭😭!! This is my 2nd baby, I heard her heartbeat at 14 weeks, I feel as tho I’m getting bigger, but when I lay down my belly disappears!! I never gotten that bump on one side that showing were the baby’s at in my tummy like so many pics I’ve seen on here, I haven’t felt any kicks, I don’t think, some days I feel I may have felt something but I think it’s in my head! No bleeding and I get round ligament pains here and there. And idk I’m just freaking myself out, I just hope She’s okay in there and just sleeping on me A lot 😭😭 anyone else? I’m 16 weeks 5 days pregnant 🤰