About to break- UPDATED


My son was sent to the PICU 2 hours from home at just 2 weeks old for viral meningitis. Now he is 5 weeks old and he has been going down hill again so after being at the doctors 4 times this week and him progressively getting worse they decided to admit him back to the PICU today. He is having trouble breathing has a horrible cough and his lungs sound like crap and we have no idea what’s going on with him 😢

To top it off my husband has been really sick the past 5 days and when I got home from taking the baby to the doctor yesterday my husband was really confused and had a super high temp so I rushed him in and he got admitted to the hospital. He is getting worse as well and they don’t know what’s going on with him either. So I now have my husband in the hospital at home and am 2 hours away in another hospital. I have just hit my breaking point I’m so drained from taking care of them and I’m worried and I feel helpless.

We also have a 2 year old that’s staying with his grandparents right now and I feel like I have seriously neglected him since baby was born I miss him so much and I feel like an awful mom because I have not spent hardly any time with him since baby was born I am just so upset 😢


Baby has RSV, entrovirus, and rhinovirus. The entrovirus and rhino are just the common cold but the entrovirus was what he had a few weeks ago that caused the meningitis. He is really having to work hard to breath and coughing a lot so they are doing breathing treatments every 2-4 hours.

Husbands infection is not improving like they had hopped and since they are pumping him full of antibiotics he now also has cdiff he is also going to be in the hospital a few days