In laws always have an issue with the rules I set

So I’m having my first baby in 21 days and I’ve made the rules for her clear. I’ve said multiple times on social media two things I’m dead set on and it’s DO NOT KISS HER and DO NOT POST PICTURES OF HER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. Now my parents have absolutely no issue with this. They completely respect how I feel about it. My in laws, not so much. My husband got a text this morning from his dad, he made a group chat with my husband, mother in law, and himself. He texted him saying “so your mom won’t be able to post pictures of our granddaughter either? What will we be allowed to do? Seems like we’re cut off already and she’s not even born yet” mind you this all started because I shared a post that was about 7 key rules for visiting a newborn and my caption was “all of this ESPECIALLY no kissing and asking permission before posting pictures. Family is not exempt from these rules, sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️” it frustrates the hell outta me because last time I checked, that’s not asking much at all. I hate that they have an issue with me setting rules and boundaries for MY child. There was another status I made where I said “don’t kiss my child, it’s not a personal thing, it’s a safety thing, this goes for family as well” at first my mom was like “so I can’t kiss the baby?” And I told her straight up “no, I don’t want her getting sick or hospitalized because y’all wanna kiss on her” and she understood and didn’t bring it up again. Meanwhile my father in law commented on the post saying “so we can’t cuddle or kiss on our granddaughter?” And I kindly said “we would appreciate if family waited until she’s older with a more developed immune system before giving her kisses, cuddles are welcome though”

Does anyone else’s in-laws act like you’re being unfair by setting rules and boundaries even though you’re not asking much?

Personally I feel like if people are going to have an issue following the rules with my baby then maybe they shouldn’t be in her life. Just like rules that you have for your home, If someone doesn’t respect those rules then they don’t need to visit.