Child #2


Hi! How did you know it was time to TTC for a 2nd child!?!?!?!?! My son is currently 2 years and 8 months old. He has been doing early intervention therapy sense April of this year. He went from not talking to full sentences in this short period of time. He gets 3 Speech, 3 Special Instruction, and 2 OT a week. He was evaluated for Autism last week and he didn’t exhibit enough tendencies to diagnose on the we go back in 6 months. We were told that he is right at the level he should be for his age now. He is to continue services and a recommendation was made for him to be in an integrated pre school. He is amazing! He accepts “no” with little to no argument and expresses his wants. My husband and I feel strongly that we want him to have a sibling. Our worry is that he may get a diagnosis in 6 months and we’ll be preggers with #2. It’s just an inner battle to make this huge decision! We are so worried about taking the attention off of him when he may need extra attention. If any of you mommas are going through something similar how did you push through and decide to try for #2?