so sick and stressed, just venting

Had to leave work today and take an unpaid day because I can’t stop gagging/vomiting. My boyfriend has become so unreliable lately and I’m just so stressed about how I will financially provide for my baby when I’m unable to work. I don’t trust that he is going to step up like he says and I don’t know what to do. On top of that I feel like complete crap most days and as much as I want to be excited, I’m scared and stressed and disappointed 😔

I don’t know what I’m going to do when baby is born. I work with abused children, and I never wanted to leave my baby with someone else to watch them. I wanted (as I’m sure so many of us want) to be able to stay home with my little one. Financially I just don’t see how this is possible, although childcare costs are just as impossible. I just don’t know! How do you do it?! I feel so lost. My family all work full time and this baby was not planned. It’s not that they wouldn’t help but more so that they won’t be available to.