38 weeks and bloody show?

Jenna • Jenna, 30, mama to Jade 11/15/18 and Maddox 7/1/24 ❤️

I’m 38 weeks exactly today and I had my bloody show about an hour ago and I’m just trying to figure out what’s going to happen next! My cervix was checked yesterday at my appointment and it was 1cm and 25% effaced. It was a semi painful check and the 3 times prior that I’d been checked, it didn’t hurt like that! I had some dark red spotting on and off until this morning. The doctor called to set my induction date an hour and half before the show for 11/15! I’m a FTM and I thought I was ready... I’m not! Lol I’ve been having some twinges in my vagina since then and my back has been sore and I’ve been having these little pinching feelings in my lower abdomen. After your bloody show, how soon did you go into active labor or did your water break?