Help! Sleep and Nap Problems


My son turned 11 months old two days ago. He was a great sleeper from about 2 months to around 8 months. He started getting teeth around 8 months so I assumed the sleep issue was teething, however now I'm thinking its separation anxiety mixed with bad habits we have picked up from teething and colds.

He used to sleep though the night no interruptions 8 to 12 hours every night. Since about 8 months he wakes at least two or three times fussing and I go in and give him his pacifier. However most nights he ends up inconsolable at some point, usually between 1am and 3am, and i put him in my bed to sleep. Typically putting him in my bed works. Sometimes i have to try a bottle, numbing gel or diaper change to get him to calm down.

I am so frustrated, last night he was up from 3am to 4 30am. Both my husband and I tried to get him back to sleep rocking him, nothing worked until I gave him a bottle in our bed and he fell right to sleep.

His naps also SUCK! it takes at least 15 to 20 minutes of me rocking him completely to sleep or he will scream in his crib until I come back in the room. Most naps are between 20 and 40 minutes. However occasionally he will nap 1 or 1.5 hours.

I need help. I sleep trained at 5 months and he was awesome, now hes SO MUCH HARDER. I am so sick of reading hundreds of articles to try and figure out what will work.