Planned induction...LONG READ


Okay so my daughter will be 3 in about a month but I wanted to share my birth stories because I see so many women scared of inductions on here. I had a wonderful experience!

So it was Monday December 14th, 2015. I went in for my schedule appointment that day. The Sunday before this I was having slight contractions but nothing serious. At my appointment my doc told me i was 2 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I was due with my daughter December 22nd. At this point I was contracting and seriously uncomfortable but I was not in a lot of pain yet. Baby girl was measuring almost 7 pounds and was as healthy as ever. My doctor asked her if I wanted to have my baby the next morning because she could see I was uncomfortable and ready. She said it wasn’t medically needed so she would need to see if there was room for me at the hospital but if I wanted to be induced she would allow it. I said of course! I was beyond ready to get labor done and over with and meet my beautiful baby girl. She told me she would call me that evening and let me know if they had room for me in Labor and Delivery.

At the time my grandfather had cancer and was being treated in the cancer center at the medical office right next to where my OB office was. He happened to be in treatment when I got out of my appointment. I walked over and told my grandparents and my aunt who was with them that we were most likely having a baby the next day! They were so overjoyed and my grandparents cried of happiness.

I called my fiancé on the way home and told him the good news. He was overjoyed as well and couldn’t wait. I came home to a completely clean home and he cooked dinner for me and everything that night. We wanted a special night because the two of us turned into three. Around 7 pm I got the call from my doctor informing me they had room and I had an appointment at 7 am the next morning to be induced!

We could barely sleep that night because we were so excited. I was also nervous because I was a first time mom and had no idea what to expect. I might have slept 3 hours the entire night. The next morning I took a long hot shower, did my hair and makeup and took my time getting dressed. We packed up the car and I decided I wanted to drive myself since I wouldn’t be driving for awhile.

We get to the hospital and start the emitting process. Once I’m in the bed they check me for dilation and I’m already at 4 cm! My nurse laughed and told me I probably would have been in the same day or the next day having my baby anyways. They started the pitocin around 8:15ish. I felt good. Contractions weren’t that bad but I definitely felt them. I got to watch Spongebob for a little while and relax haha.

The nurses and doctor kept coming in to check on me and I was progressing how they wanted. Around 1 pm I was check for dilation again and I was 6 cm. At this point contractions were getting pretty bad and I asked for an epidural. To me they felt like extremely bad period cramps. The anesthesiologist got to my room pretty fast and the epidural went in beautifully and relieved me of my pain and discomfort right away. They gave me a button and told me if I felt any sort of pain and felt like I needed another dose to hit the button.

After the epidural was in my doctor decided it was a good time to break my water. It felt like a huge amount of pressure was released but that’s it. My doctor told me it would be a few hours still and to try to get some rest. My fiancé laid down and decided to take a nap. I tried as well but couldn’t seem to fall asleep. My sister came in the room around that time and my legs were driving me crazy. I’ve always had restless leg syndrome but once I had that epidural and couldn’t move it drove me insane. My sister was rubbing my legs trying to make me feeling better. I kept feeling pressure and pain so I hit the button like they told me to but it didn’t go away. I decided to call my nurse and have her check me because I just felt weird. She didn’t even have to look hard. She pulled back the blanket and told me my daughter had dark hair and we needed to push.

This was 45 minutes after my water my broken. Everything after that was such a rush. Nurses were flying into the room and I was yelling at my fiancé to wake his ass time that it was time. My doctor came running in just as I was taking my first push. They put a full length mirror in front of me so that I could see my daughter be born. I pushed twice, a total for 10 minutes and my daughter came right out.

Now I have an almost 3 year old sassy pants. It’s such a blessing watching her grow. I’m pregnant with baby #2 and can only hope for a delivery as easy as hers!! Sorry for the long post guys