My December baby is going to be a November Baby

Tianna • Mother to Caiden & Nalah

Since November 1st Ive been experiencing terrible pain in the left side of my back and front left stomach. I first thought maybe my baby was just putting extra pressure on that side since that is her spot to chill on. The pain started to get intense over the next few days but within a few hours it went away. The Day of my baby shower on Nov 4th was terrible, the pain was excruciating, as I sat through my Baby Shower. As soon as it ended I went to the hospital. I went to Labor and Delivery and got checked. Luckily my cervix was closed. I ended up staying at the hospital until 12:30am for testing, and my blood pressure was elevated. Tested negative for pre-eclampsia, urine tests showed blood, white blood cells, and some protein. They decided to do blood work, most was normal however my kidney blood test was a bit abnormal. I ended up getting an ultrasound, my right kidney was normal but my left kidney’s opening was wider than normal, and they could not tell if I had a stone or fluid build up. Luckily I wasn’t showing any signs of infection so they sent me home with pain meds, and said to drink fluids to help this possible stone pass. I ended up being fine for most of the day, until about 8pm that next day. I ended up at the hospital at 1am because the pain was becoming unbearable. They continued to run repeat tests, and i stayed in the hospital for 2 days because my blood pressure was elevating at a concerning level. So now due to this kidney stone and my high blood pressure, I have to now monitor my blood pressure 2x a day, take pain meds and pray this stone passes asap. I will now be indued on 11/18/18 since they believe i developed gestational hypertension. My original due date was 12/09/18. This December baby will now be a November baby! Im still in pain but its tolerable with meds, It is hard for me to eat since my pain causes nausea. Im praying this stone passes soon, so I can have relief and relax before my baby girl comes ahead of schedule. Im still in shock as my blood pressure has been perfect this whole pregnancy, my first born I had no complications, im just praying everything goes smooth for my delivery.