
I’m in college, live on campus, but go home for the weekends. Well I leave my stash at home too in a little black bag. Well last weekend I didn’t go home because I didn’t have a ride and my mom call my at the beginning of this week and made a little comment about “I hope your not smoking”. I asked her why she thought I was and all she said was “I had a feeling you did it in high school”. So I’m confused because I have been to high since may and I was thinking that maybe she found it. So I got to wondering and thought that if she or my dad found it then they would have yelled at me or at least confronted me about it but there was nothing. So I got to thinking again and thought that maybe they didn’t find it and it was a random assumption. Well now I’ve got back to my house and checked my bag and it’s gone. All of it just gone. Even my old wrap packaging I had in there. The only thing left it my lighter and the little plastic baggie my dealer gave me. I don’t know if I’m tripping or maybe I got high and gave it to my bf but it’s missing. I’m sitting here all confused because ever since she brought it up the first time she never did since. I’m gong to ask my bf if he remembers where I put it but I could have sworn it was in my bag. So what I’m asking is do you think they found it?

Update: my dad definitely found it. He texted me saying it’s bad for my health while he was drinking whiskey at four in the afternoon 🙃 then he told me he will call the cops on my bf if he gives me drugs ever again. My dad believes that my bf is the one who gave me the weed. He’s totally oblivious that I could make my own decisions to use.