Anyone else???


So I just told my boyfriend that I got a job at publix for the morning shift 6 am to 2 PM Monday through Friday then on Saturday I can work morning or night shift then Sunday I would have the day off to spend with him. He replied back saying" you could never do that you would be miserable getting up everyday at 5 am to go to work then go to school after"( I also go to school 3 days a week for MA night classes only). He also said "that its are younger years ( 19 and 22) we aren't supposed to work so hard we are supposed to enjoy life while we can. Do you just not want that you want to wait till your 70 years old and retired then you cant fo anything?? ". "We would never see each other on top of that, what you just dont want to hang out with me more is that it?"

Like what the hell... I'm just trying to better myself I'm sick of asking help from my family to help us pay are Bill's every month we need money, we can never do anything because we have no money to do anything it all get spent on bills and groceries every month. I love to make blankets and I cant even enjoy doing that because I can't afford yarn. Like damn why cant he just be supportive of me instead of putting me down thinking I cant do this.. ( we have been together for 4 years and have lived together for over 1 year) he says he know me better then I know myself. He thinks everything I do is just one big mistake and to top everything off of what a wonderful day I am having my mom put my childhood dog today. Like why cant my life just not suck just for one minute...