It WORKS!!! No more nausea!


So, I'm exactly 9 weeks today. I've had two previous, healthy, full-term baby boys and with both I was really sick. My first I lost 15 lbs in the first trimester and haven't seemed to recover that weight since and it's been almost 8 years. My second, I was sick a majority of the first trimester as well but my fiancé (who's now my husband) let me sleep through most of it. Sooooo forward to now, a year and half later, I'm pregnant again and per usual, SICK AF. I tried everything yall. I mean everything. Nothing worked and my dr won't prescribe me anything till at least 12 weeks. I'm dying. My kids and husband are suffering bc I'm so sick constantly I don't want to do anything at all let alone be happy. How could I be?! Last night I finally had enough and decided to go get Sea-bands.... it's currently 5:20 am, my husband works rigs so he's up and out early and I'm still awake absolutely mind blown that I'm NOT sick!!!! Sea-bands really do work ladies!!!!! If you're like me and just had all you can take of not eating, sleeping, being intimate, or even feeling normal you've got to get sea-bands. I went to my local Rite-Aid and luckily they weren't out! I paid $13.62 after taxes and it's probably the best $13 I've spent in a long time. If you haven't tried them, I seriously recommend getting them. If I had, had these for my last two pregnancies I would have enjoyed it more!!!! Anyway, I hope whomever sees this has an easy pregnancy but for those of us who aren't, yall got to get them sea-bands. Lolol for real! #BabyDustToAll #SeaBands #ByeByeNausea #HelloNormal