My birth story...10 months lateršŸ˜¶ (really longšŸ™„)

Miaha ā€¢ MarriedšŸ’MamašŸ¤°šŸ»AddiahašŸ’œSterlingšŸ’™BellamyšŸ§”ForestšŸ’š Follow my life on insta @_its.iah_šŸ“ø

I know Iā€™m late to the party but it doesnā€™t stop here because Iā€™m late to everything lol.

A little back story...

I got pregnant 2 months after I turned 18. I know Iā€™m a young mom, donā€™t judge. My birthday is in February so I got pregnant in April. My due date was January 4, 2018.

My pregnancy was pretty normal Iā€™d like to say. Except in the beginning I had bleeding which I went to the hospital for several times and obviously baby girl was okay, but other than that pretty normal.

So my labor story starts out on January 4, 2018. I feel contractions which I thought this was it because my mom said it feels like period cramps so Iā€™m like I think Iā€™m going into labor. We go to the hospital with all our stuff, I get checked in, the nurse checks me 1cm dilated and 70%effaced. She gives me the option to walk around the hospital for an hour to see if it progresses to a 3 (thatā€™s when theyā€™ll admit you)

Or I can go home and wait for the contractions to be more close together and to last longer. Let me tell you I felt so stupid because I thought I was in labor and she told me I wasnā€™t, I guess I was just really hoping I was. So we go home I bounce on my ball which is amazing when you are having contractions btw. My sister starts pestering me saying you need to do this you need to do that to get this labor going so I tell her Iā€™m going to bed. I had contractions all night but I still slept so I knew I wasnā€™t in active labor. January 5, 2018; I get up, take a shower, my contractions feel like they are progressing so I call my mom at work and she comes home and times them with me. They were about 10 minutes apart lasting like a minute. She says if the get to be 5 minutes apart before your doctors appointment at 3 weā€™ll head to the hospital because the hospital I went to is an hour away and there is really bad traffic. My contractions didnā€™t progress so we ended up going to my scheduled doctors appointment. I ask my midwife to check me and Iā€™m at a 3 and completely effactedšŸ™ŒšŸ»so she says you can go home and eat and head to the hospital or you can go straight there and probably walk around and youā€™ll be having this baby soon. At this point Iā€™m so hungry so Iā€™m like mom letā€™s go to McDonaldā€™s and we can go from there. This woman decides she wants to go shopping at Walmart which is 30 minutes from the hospital without traffic. We go in and walk around. Iā€™m having contractions every 5 minutes lasting like 2 minutes apart and having to stop every contraction in front of all these people. My husband would let me hold onto him so I can get through them. Finally my mom is done with Walmart so itā€™s about 5-5:30 when we leave, which is when everyone gets off work, so we run into a shit ton of traffic. I tell you we donā€™t make it to the hospital until like 7:30. I get to l&d floor I get checked in and they check me and Iā€™m at a 5āœ‹šŸ». Halfway there I think. They have a lady put an IV in me which she canā€™t decide where she wants to put it so she pokes me in 3 different parts of my arm and finally she settles for my hand. My nurse comes in and she was a lovely lady, very nice and thorough. Goes through all the paperwork and everything she needs to do. I donā€™t understand why the nurse doesnā€™t ask your significant other or whoever is in the room with you all these questions instead of you when you are having contractions. I tell you I wanted to rip her head off because I was done with all the talking, even though she was a nice lady. Then this other nurse comes in to do something and steps on my IV which pulls it and hurts my hand really bad, Iā€™m thankful that it didnā€™t pull it out.

So Iā€™m in the hospital doing my thing and so the nurse goes over the pain med options and my sister is there at this time( even though I didnā€™t want her there because I just donā€™t like her to put it nicely lol) trying to pursue me into getting an epidural and I donā€™t want to, it wasnā€™t part of my birth plan and I was doing fine. I swear every word out of her mouth was epidural, and I said no Iā€™m okay I can deal with this pain a little longer. So itā€™s about 9:30 at this time and I ask the nurse to go over my options again and she does and I choose fentanyl,it lasts about an hour to an hour and a half so I figure I can rest for a little bit because I was real tired. I slept for about an hour and woke up to really intense contractions and so she checked me and I was an 8. I labor, eating ice chips and squeezing my husbands hand( really great full for him). So another hour or so goes by and I start feeling like I need to poop, which my mom was telling me that sheā€™s going to get the nurse because that means she is ready to come out, the nurse checks me Iā€™m a 9 now. She tells me to push so my water breaks and I feel like Iā€™m pooping as well but the nurse, my mom and my husband all said I wasnā€™t( I kicked my sister out of the room by this time because I really didnā€™t want her in the room when my daughter got here. She would tell me Iā€™m doing everything wrong and give her opinions on what I should do and I didnā€™t want to hear it). So I push and my water explodes, all over my legs, all over my nurse(like it got all over her face) and the contractions became even more intense. My doctor was not at the hospital, he was in traffic. I had amazing nurses that took care of my though. I started pushing (my husband held one leg, my mom held the other) and I pushed twice and they could already see her hair. I look over at my mom and sheā€™s turning blue, she had to step back and take a break and all our attention was on her because we were worried so she sat down and the nurse took over and held my leg. And here comes the rest of the team to help deliver the baby. I push again and she comes out a little more. At this time Iā€™m so tired Iā€™m convinced I canā€™t push anymore so I tell them just cut her out of me lol. But the nurse said reach down and touch her, you can feel her hair so I did and in that moment I wanted her out I wanted to hold her. My husband was right there encouraging me to get her out. Heā€™s telling me you got this sheā€™s right there. And him telling me that made me feel like I could do anything. I push again and her head is out. The nurse that is between my legs tells me one more push and I push and sheā€™s out the wipe her off a little throw a diaper on her and put her on my chest. And right then and there my doctor walks in. He sits down there to watch the bleeding because I was severely anemic and I could have needed and infusion. He has my husband cut the umbilical cord and sews me up and everything is done.

šŸ¤±šŸ»Addiaha Anne Scofield born 1:01 A.M January 6, 2018

7lb 15 oz 19 3/4 in longšŸ¤±šŸ»

And this is her todayšŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§

Completely stole our hearts foreveršŸ„°