Boy or Girl?

Nicole • Married to my high school sweet heart (08•17•13) of almost 13 years. I gave birth to our sweet rainbow Baby Cade David on 11•30•16 and we are currently trying for baby #2 ♥️

I am currently almost 23 weeks pregnant, this is our 2nd baby. We had our anatomy scan at 19 weeks and the ultrasound tech did NOT tell us what it was, she put it in an envelope, and we done a surprise reveal with family. I am not going to say what the tech told us the sex was, just curious to see what others see. My OB did call me Friday and said not to start shopping yet (which I already have 🤦🏻‍♀️) to wait until my next u/s this Tuesday to confirm the sex, because she doesnt feel that the baby is what the tech says,from looking back at the scans. She said she could be wrong and it could be what we were told. Has anyone been told 1 thing and baby turn out to be the opposite of what you were told? Also let me clarify I AM HAPPY with boy or girl, I use to want a girl, but now I just don't know haha! If you made it this far, Thank you for reading! Picture below!