UPDATE AGAIN... miscarriage?

K 🩷 • 💙👼🏼💙🤰🏻 26 so grateful for any gifts 💕

On November 4th, I’m pretty sure I had a miscarriage. I had faint positives on both the 2nd and 3rd of November. I went to the ER on the 5th to get blood work done and my hcg level was 5. (really really low for a pregnancy) however, they DID confirm that I was pregnant. They said i was REALLY early and they couldn’t tell if it was a miscarriage or not since they ultrasound didn’t show anything (because i was so early) They wanted me to follow up with an OBGYN (a shitty one at that) and they went over the medical records from the hospital and called me yesterday evening to tell me that since it’s not a “viable pregnancy” they can’t see me. and since the ultrasound showed nothing, they can’t see me. They told me to wait 2-3 weeks and go back to the ER and get my levels and everything rechecked, but I already know it was a miscarriage. I broke down to my fiancé last night (again) because they keep dragging it out so i’m constantly thinking about it. It wouldn’t take TWO WEEKS for my damn hcg levels to rise. they should be doubling every other day or 2. 😭😫