idle what to do

so, 4 months ago I kissed a guy and we started talking. he told me that he wanted to be with me in a serious relationship after that and all that stuff. while we were talking, we had some fights because I had the suspicious that he was still in love with his ex and some things he did confirm it. even though, later we didn’t have more troubles.

2 months after our kiss, I had to move to a different city, but he told me that that didn’t matter because it is close to my previous city, so I could come on weekends. the day I moved, he was still super cute with me, but days later, he changed: he didn’t answer my messages, he treat me differently (in a bad way), etc. I tried to talked with him to see if something was wrong and he told me “no, everything is just fine” but I knew it wasn’t fine because he wasn’t been him.

weeks later, I stopped answering and writing him because I got tired about him treating me bad, and he didn’t text me either. one day, when I went to my previous city, I got out with some friends and someone told him that I was there and he arrived. I ignored him all night and he did the same with me; but when we were leaving, his mom had some health’s problems so he had to go to the hospital. I wrote him if everything was fine and he thanked me, etc. he also told me that he still wanted to be with me, etc and I told him that me too, but that he would have to demonstrate me what he was telling me.

he told me that he was trying to not attached a lot himself with people because he will leave the country. but if that is his plan, why is he looking for me? I don’t understand.

of course he treated me bad again and all that he said were just words without action. in a party that we went, he didn’t talk to me all night (after what he said), so I got tired of it and I told him “enough, this is over”.

I don’t know what to think. can u please help me?