I got called fat today...

Candace • Art 🎨 : Horror 💀 : Roses🌹 & Sunflowers🌻 : Tattoos💉 & Piercings 🖤 : Books 📚 : Sun ☀️ Sand 🏖 Surf 🌊

So today, I was wearing my bikini walking with my sister back home from the beach. Two guys drove past and yelled out the window 'you're fat!' to me... (My sister is really skinny)... I yelled back that only Twats yell out the windows of cars and kept walking. I don't care, because I'm confident in myself, but it did get to me a little bit because it's taken me a long time to love myself. Ugh I hate when people have to be so low, that they feel the need to say that to somebody... 🙄

Pictures of me for description 🤷🏼‍♀️