So emotional right now.


35+4weeks pregnant with complications coming out of back side.

Anyway on Monday 5th, my beautiful mother in law passed away, on my beautiful mother's birthday who passed away 7 years ago 😭.

I was taken in to hospital then on Tuesday morning with bleeding and slow leaking waters. Baby is ok and I was able to be discharged from hospital friday even with strict instruction to rest which is impossible with 4 other children at home and everything that's happening in my family right now.

My husband is coping extremely well considering. We knew she was terminal and had chance to process that we would lose her eventually but still doesn't prepare you for when it happens.

Anyway, my husband has been set on the name Charley for our baby girl, with her middle name being Nevaeh, after our baby girl that was sadly stillborn 4 years ago, but my mother in law was asking from the time we found out we was expecting a little girl, to name her Ellie-mae. I'm so torn as to what to actually name my little girl now. Do i name her what her nanny wanted, in memory of her or keep to what my husband wants. Xx