What is your "first time" story?


I'd like to take this opportunity to say: you CAN be raped by your boyfriend/husband (girlfriend/wife).

So my first time was with a boy named Billy. i was a senior in high school, we were 17. We both skipped school and spent the day at his house on Halloween. As most of you may know the first entry hurts because its not something you're used to. i made him stop and i said "hold on. that really hurt." and his response was; "well can you hurry up." no kindness whatsoever. f-cking-a--hole. after that day he blackmailed me to have sex with him every morning before school. it wasn't until a whole year after, when we broke up, that i learned rape is when YOU do not want to have sex. even if you cave in and let it happen. you still didn't want it to. I hated my first time. it was by far my worst relationship. but i thought it was important to share.