Why a lot of moms don’t work.

Meranda • 1/5/13💜 7/12/17💜

Okay so money is super tight for us right now and i have been crunching different numbers to see with different scenarios what money we would have left over a month. (Which we have a lot of credit card debt and about to have our 3 baby in March but only two would need daycare)

So If i go back to work full time and have two babies in daycare roughly we will have $470 a month left over after bills and daycare

So if i don’t go back to work. After bills we would have $280 a month left

This is the way we have it now i work 4 days a month only when my husband is off to avoid daycare. That gives us $580 a month left.

Now why should we actually make more money when i would work basically 30 hours a month instead of 40 a week.

Which with money being super tight i have had people be like you need to work full time. Put kids in daycare and deal with it. You need the money. People don’t even realize how much of your money will be wasted with having other people watch your kids while you slave away to pay for people to watch your kids.