Suggestions Wanted


Does anyone have an suggestions or ideas of how to design this? My mom gave it to me in High-school and I painted it white and used it to hold books, then after my fiancé and I moved in together I had it in our living room holding rolled blankets & now our 9 month old is not only crawling EVERYWHERE but is standing up on things too 😅 so I moved it out of our living room all together where he plays for the majority and into our kitchen where he isn’t allowed because HELLO safety hazards for sure if in his vicinity, SO nipping that in the bud Real fast👊🏻 But I’m at a loss with what decor I could associate in the kitchen other than cookbooks ( I own ONE that I don’t even use, so not really a worthy idea)

I would really appreciate cute and practical ideas that would coordinate with the room! Any and all welcome!