Baby shower etiquette


Ok so I’m having a hard time deciding who to invite to my baby shower. I’m having two, one for family and one for friends.

My husband wanted to have a Co-Ed baby shower and honestly a lot of both of our friends are guys(who are all about this as well), which is no biggie.

I already decided we’d make it more of a party/get together and celebrate with friends before baby gets here instead of traditional baby shower activities.

Now, heres where I’m struggling: about 3 weeks ago some very close friends of ours accused me of stuff based off a misunderstood txt to a group of people (honestly it’s super juvenile). Regardless, coming from people I thought were close friends and I’ve confided in, it hurt really really bad and it got spread to about 20 people and my reputation was never really cleared up.

It’s kinda blown over with the whole group of friends and I’m just struggling with the 2 main people still and tried to clear it up which didn’t happen and have since avoided them.

They came up when we were making the invite list and literally our whole friend group is on there except my husband said I should just be the bigger person and he would like them to be there.

I get that, but at the same time I don’t want anyone there making me uncomfortable. I know they won’t ever bring it up or cause a scene it’s just awkward now for me and honestly with all the other stress of pregnancy and feeling insecure/in pain a lot it just isn’t something I want to deal with.

I know it would be obvious if 20+ people were invited except them and yes, it would probably hurt them, but I just don’t care? 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Idk what to do, I know it’s petty and stupid it’s just been a hard pill to swallow seeing people’s true colors after almost ten years of friendship. Am I wrong to be selfish and not want that kind of tension/bad vibes at my baby shower? Help.