Fighting with s/o

I just had my child 2 weeks ago and my s/o family hasn’t gotten the chance to meet him yet. Well my families thanksgiving and his families thanksgiving is on the same day and at the same exact time. He wants us to go to his so his family can meet our son but I want to go to mine. I told him he can take our son to his families and I will go to mine alone and he got mad because he thinks I don’t want to go see his family when I actually do but I’m not going to miss seeing my family. He called me selfish and that if I don’t go with to his families then he is going to come to mine. He said it’s rude that I won’t go to his families thanksgiving because he wants them to meet our son but honestly they haven’t made an effort to come see our son so why is he getting so angry? My family asks us every chance to come see him. Now he won’t talk to me and if I try to cuddle him in bed he pushes me away.