Forgot to throw out my negative tests

Call me Cris 😜 • Life is what you make it 🙃👍🏼

My husband and I will make one year since we started trying next month. We’ve done everything we could naturally and I’m currently in my tww. I know it’s still too soon to test, but optimistic me decided to go ahead and take a test (or 2) this morning. It was super early. FMU of course and not to my surprise, they were negative.

🤦🏻‍♀️ So I brushed my teeth and continued my morning routine as I prepared for work. And I left. Completely forgot to grab them and I left. 😫 Now my husband is home and he’s going to see them. I hate breaking his heart. I can’t help but imagine how excited he’d be to them. Thinking maybe it’s a surprise. Maybe they’re positive. And then his heart gets crushed when he realizes they’re just two dried up negative tests. 😞 I’m so mad at myself. I just long for the day I see those two lines.

So of course I txt him and give him a heads up. But I just never knew how heartbreaking ttc could be.