
Hey everybody ! If you’re looking to start your period within 30 days with PCOS , go to Target or get on Amazon & purchase UpSpring Fertility+ Reproductive Support , its only $19.99 (even if you’re not trying to concieve) . These pills WORK & i tried EVERYTHING . From trying black cohosh , dong quai , vitex , by themselves , anything that wasn’t medically prescribed to me . And the only thing that worked was these pills . Inside the pills mainly contain Black Cohosh, Maca Root & Shatavari . I usually have ABSENT periods . 6+ months with no period . I was on depo so my periods was really absent then I tried birth control pills which I only had a period on them & after stopping them no period . My periods were also irregular before ANY birth control . I tried UpSpring & after 2 1/2 weeks , my period came on (10/25/2018) with still 8 pills left in the bottle . Now (11/12/2018) my Ovia app (<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a>) says my Fertility score is a 10 , meaning im suppose to be ovulating today . I did have sex today as well so we’ll see , i will update as soon as i find out im pregnant . Do continue to take these pills during your period so you can ovulate & continue to buy them and take them to regulate your period or continue until you ovulate or find out you’re pregnant . DO NOT TAKE WHILE PREGNANT (Black Cohosh induces Miscarriage) . Like I said they work !! I don’t know if you can ask me questions or chat with me on here but feel free to text 6787342777 if you have any questions .