Am I getting insecure?


My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 months now, and I never felt the need to question his loyalty. Until recently we were the perfect couple, we rarely had any disagreements and when we did they were many times discussions that came to a mutual understanding very quickly. But now it’s been the complete opposite- we don’t fight too often but when we do, there’s a lot of verbal aggression on my part and nonchalant-like reactions on his part. Seems like I’m starting to care a lot more about things and it ends in me becoming extremely frustrated and yelling while he sits there just telling me things to dismiss/invalidate my feelings to make me feel crazy. On top of that, all his best friends are single and call him up when we’re together telling him about the last bitch they fucked and how he’d love to see her ass/titties/body. He doesn’t really entertain it and laughs it off. But this is where I’m really questioning everything. I found out he has a notes page on his iPhone full of passwords, and I kept feeling the urge to take a picture of it and go through all his social media on my own time and I finally caved in and did. I felt absolutely horrible but seeing his dms and messages completely tore me. Although he had no conversations with other females, a lot of the messages he sent and were sent to him were of other females naked or twerking, or something of a vulgar nature with these amazing bodies that are so unrealistic and so unlike my own. I’ve been so sad since, rethinking everything. I’ve felt like he’s been losing interest in me and misses going out with his single friends but then I remember he’s a huge family guy that is an advocate for long term relationships. But is it normal for this kind of insecurity to develop in me? Could he possibly be losing interest like I have suspicion of? Or am I just letting my own thoughts get to me? I’d love to get some advice.