The Whooping Cough


Earlier this year I wouldn't of guessed that a full vaccinated child could get whooping cough but that changed when my kids got it. It was the start of school and my boys birthday was on August 31, they needed to be 4 before September 1 to go to school. School started on August 21. Everything was fine, 3 days later he began to have a running nose and sneezing alot. A week after it became a normal cough. He didn't get his shots until September 4th when I told the Dr about his cough she prescribed cough medicine. Weeks later the cough was bad and worse at night. He'd cough 3 times during the night and during the days he'd cough only when he played to hard. So it never hit my mind that it was whooping cough, his cough wasn't as bad as you see on the videos online. They were mild but he did have the whoop. 2 months went by and my now 8 month old had a runny nose and really bad congestion. I took her to the Dr but she didn't find nothing wrong and sent me on our way. But she got worse and the cough was horrible still not as bad on the videos online. I took her back to the Dr asking for a whooping cough test she took it and said it will take 2 days. That night my baby was waking up every hour coughing those horrible spells. I knew she had it and it hurt me seeing her suffer threw the coughs she couldn't even get an hour of sleep. She had to sleep with me and my husband because she couldnt sit her self up during them. The next day I got a call from the Dr it was the worst thing a parent can hear, it was positive. They gave us antibiotics for everyone to take. After that she was better the cough got shorter and got less frequent. Still today she has a cough but it's called the 100 day cough. We haven't gotten passed 100 days yet but we're hoping it goes away soon. to this happen to a vaccinated kid is slim but it can happen. It didn't hit us hard because they were vaccinated for it which made it a mild case. I am saying to keep an eye on your child if they have a cough for more than 2 weeks and to always tell your Dr to test even if it's nothing, because it might be something. My son had to suffer threw it but my daughter was tested because of the severity. The whooping cough is out there still and we all need protection from the horrible cough. Thank you so much for reading my post if you have any questions about the disease I will be glad to answer them.

Update: We are past the whooping cough now and my kiddos are doing so well. After the whooping cough left my kids immune system very weak so right after my daughter cleared up my son gave her croup, he had strep and croup at the same time. She was sick about 3 times after the whooping cough with viruses but close to the end of the year(2018) everything went back to normal and they are finally feeling much better. I will still be glad to answer any questions about whooping cough.