6 month old wakes up 4-5 times a night


So I am pretty desperate for sleep at this point. My baby girl has never been a good sleeper. I tried everything and eventually just accepted it. But lately, I’m really struggling and need some sleep.

She wakes up approximately every two hours (4-5 times a night). She sleeps in a pack and play next to my bed. She is EBF and will not take a bottle (she doesn’t seem to really understand it).

People have recommended moving her into her room but I do not want to have to go in there five times a night to feed her. The only thing that will put her back to sleep in the middle of the night is nursing. She has been teething lately so the doctor said that I can give her a little bit of Motrin at night if she is crying. I have also started giving her baby food with rice cereal at night to keep her tummy Fuller.

Unfortunately, none of these things have helped. She has a very strict night time routine and falls asleep pretty easily the first time around. I just don’t know what to do to help her stay asleep longer during the night.

Any advice would be helpful!