What does this mean

anna • Anna

So my friend and I met in August of 2017 but didn't become friends until April 2018. We became super close over the summer but stopped talking around the time school started because I moved away to live with my dad, I recently moved back in with my mom and we started talking again which I'm happy about ... But things seem different. We don't go to the same school anymore so we only talk on the phone or through Instagram now which kinda sucks. Anyway last nights conversation seemed different from our conversations over the summer. Like we talk about more personal things where over the summer we would kinda just joke around. He also compliments me a lot more, like let's say over the summer I would say something like, "how did I not realize that!? I'm dumb lol" and he would just respond with something like "it's fine" but now if I say something like that he is like "don't say that! Your the smartest person I know, don't beat yourself up" even if we know it was just a joke. Here are some screenshots of our conversations last night. What are your opinions on it ?

Continued ⬇️

One of my biggest fears is looking like I'm trying to hard, so when he just start up a conversation talking about something I posted I kinda freaked out for a second.

Later on we we're talking about year book pictures and I said I looked stupid in mine cause honestly I looked like I was half asleep.

And he responds with this

I don't know if I'm over thinking but we only used to joke around about dumb stuff and send funny videos to each other but now our conversations are completely different. What are your opinions on this