I think we resent each other.

My husband and I have four children together and the last three have only a year between them each. We decided not to put them in daycare and that I would stay home with them until they were all school age. My husband pursued his career while I put mine on hold. Usually I am okay with this but it was never my plan when we started a family. The other day we were having a disagreement and he said, "Just remember who pays for everything." I about lost my shit. I didnt want to be a SAHM. I love having my own indepence and is hard for me to not complain about all the sacrifices I have made to support and take care of my family. But that one line hurt a lot. I do it all. I pay the bills, I maintenence the house. I do the laundry, dishes, deep cleaning. Doctor appointments, errands, school for kids and extar curricular activities. I do all of that. He doesn't. He works his shifts, brings home the paychecks, rags on me, talks about how much he hates his job...I NEVER put him down about not helping around the house because it was a compromise we had made. But I think its time for a change. I tried explaining to him how he made me feel and although he "brings home the bacon" I am the one "who cooks it up, serves it and cleans up afterwards." His response was "yea, okay!" What now? I am not going to be treated like this.