Hubby cried like a little boy


I’ve been with my SO for 3 years now, I wanted a baby for the longest time but we weren’t actively trying. Ever since we were dating we never used any type of birth control but we never got pregnant so I thought I most likely was going to need help to get pregnant, but a few months ago I saw those two pink lines on the test and I was so happy.

Fast forward a few weeks and I started bleeding profusely and was cramping a lot so we rushed to the ER and I found out I had a subchorionic hemorrhage, my baby was ok but the doctor put me in bed rest indefinitely. My hubby was very upset because he could see I was in so much pain most of the time and we feared something would happen to our baby. It’s been a few weeks and I feel so much better so we decided to have a little get together with our parents and siblings to find out the gender, it turns out we’re having a boy!!! The party went great and when everybody left he laid down with me and started crying like a little kid (I had never seen him cry like that) he kept thanking me and saying he was so happy.

Needless to say he made me cry and get 100 times more excited about having this baby

Ps: sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language 😅