I need some ideas?? 🍆💦

So my husband is trying to lose weight. He's about 210lbs and a healthy weight is around 170lbs. We discussed having some milestone rewards for him every 10-20lbs lost.

I'm trying to think of something creative, but I'm struggling! I know he feels love through physical touch, so something sexy sounds like a good reward. Personally I'm just very simple when it comes to sex. We've tried some things (from behind in the shower, lightly tied up hands, blindfolds) but most of them made me really uncomfortable, so we usually end up missionary. He does oral on me as some great solid foreplay because he loves to make sure I get the best out of it, but the thought of me giving him oral makes me so nauseous. Even just the sight of cum does that. 😰

So with all that in mind, what are some rewards I can do for him? Please help me out. I want to make my husband so happy and show him how proud of him I am for taking care of his health. 🤷

*edit: I hate that I can't respond anonymously, so I'll update here? Both my husband and I aren't into porn. It feels morally wrong to both of us. And we're both pretty against anal. Blow job just speaks to my original post about oral making me queesy.


Thanks for the suggestions. I've decided to do the following:

200: 15 minutes of steamy makeout

190: Break out the Blindfold

180: Rise and shine, it's sexy time (morning sex)

170: Take it off! (Striptease by me)

160: Boudoir take 2! (I gave him Boudoir pictures for his birthday that I DIYed. This time, he gets to be the photographer.)

He loved the list! 💃