
I got my panarama test results back and baby is low risk which is great. However we found out that our baby is a boy. My husband and I have 7 boys from our past relationships. I have one daughter. We have talked about wanting a baby girl together since we met. It will be our only baby together and we will not have any more. I’ve created a huge Pinterest board full of girl things, picked a girls name... we researched ways to better your chances of having a girl and followed all of them.... the heart rate has been super high, I’ve had ALL the symptoms of being pregnant with a girl, ramzi theory was girl, Chinese calendar girl! We’re having a boy. I feel horrible!!!! I know a healthy baby is most important and I’m glad he’s healthy. Y’all I just need to know that I’m not alone in being completely crushed. Our whole world is praying for a girl, my daughter was praying for a sister so hard. I don’t want to tell anyone because our whole family will be bummed. I know once it sinks in I’ll get over it and get excited. I’m just devastated right now. Anyone else??? Please don’t be cruel and say mean things I love all my boys so much.