Bf getting other girls’ numbers

Me and my bf have been together for 4 years now.

The other day he said he wanted to help his friend (we’ll call him Cam) with the ladies. Cam is super awkward around women, and in general lol. So my bf told me that he wanted to take cam out to the bar to try to help him get a girl’s number.

He said “I’m gonna get a few numbers first so he can watch what I do and then he can try”.

In my head I’m like “’re gonna what?”

I kinda tried to convince him that it wasn’t a good idea and that Cam is probably better off picking up a girl in a different environment than a bar.

But my bf was insistent that he had to try and not give up hope.

And right before he informed me of this plan, he told me that a week prior, when he went to the bar without me (I was at home studying), these two girls were “all over him”, despite the fact that they had bfs. These two girls know me and know we’ve been dating for a while and he said they seemed disappointed when he told them that we are still together.

So I already felt disrespected after hearing that. And now my bf is telling me that he wants to go get other girls numbers to “help out his buddy”.

Idk it just makes me feel uncomfortable but I’m unsure if I’m right to feel this way or if I’m being silly.

And he’s done/said inappropriate things before too. Once, he told me that “there are a lot of hot girls to look at” when we were at a music festival. Which I paid for in full as a surprise gift to him. And when I told him that his comment hurt my feelings he got mad at me and “broke up” with me. He didn’t actually but was definitely close to it.

I just feel like he doesn’t see how I feel about things like this and that I might get mocked a lil for being “insecure”.