Recently came off birth control


Hey ladies!

Few months back I decided to come off BC I’ve been on numerous ones for over 13 years, all of which had unbearable side effects almost right away or after months/years of use

Being off them isn’t much fun either with heavy flow, bad cramps and migraines that could floor an elephant. But still better than what I was having on the pill. I’m now on a waiting list for gynaecologist which will hopefully result in an ablation which is the best choice for me

The issue is, I’ve noticed changes down there. Like everything this passed month (third period since being off BC) is irritating me! Tampons, pads, tissue, wipes! All making me uncomfortable and only a hot water bottle eases is.

It’s not excruciating pain, but since it’s down there it’s hard to ignore.

Pretty sure it’s just chemical changes as I used to get it when switching from one BC to another.

Anyone else get this?