Thanksgiving Chaos


With thanksgiving approaching it’s family time 🙃 Sooo my mother law and I don’t have a good relationship, I’ve tried to have one with her but it’s impossible. She talks shit to me, she talks shit about me, she treats me like I’m a child and more.. Anyways, I already know what I’m making for thanksgiving at my place for my husband, our kids and I. Last year for every holiday my sister in law cooked a whole damn buffet at her house and let everyone know in advance that thanksgiving was going to be held at her house but my mother in law being the bitch that she is cooked the same things my sister in law did lmao & was acting like a stubborn teenage daughter saying we had to be at my mother in laws house because she made food for us and if not then she’d just spend it alone with all her food.. So now my sister in law and her family has moved states away.. & I just have this feeling that she’s going to try to pull this stunt on me, and no I will not take my food and go to her house just because it’s really small there for the kids, for us too there’s barely space for us to sit and we’ll I don’t want to travel with all my daughters baby stuff and the food and etc.. It would be easier for her to come to our house right? Yeah but every time she comes she just judges everything and talks shit and looks through my things idk why, sometimes things go missing, she checks every part of my fucking house and talks shit to me 😑 Then tries to act in charge in my own house !! Am I wrong for just wanting to spend thanksgiving with just us? Thats why I’m choosing to not go to my mothers house either, there’s no problem with her but I just wouldn’t find it fair if we don’t spend it with his mom then we shouldn’t with mine I guess. Plus I’m making a big meal for us, way different then the typical meals we eat every thanksgiving. & for the people that will say for me to just suck it up and deal with it for the night, how will you feel someone judging you and talking shit to your face for the whole time on a holiday in your house 🙃 But yeah she’s probably gonna fake cry to both my husband and her other son if I do things my way but I really don’t care, my husband knows exactly how things are and my priority is my main family, mostly for the holidays I just want to have a good time and enjoy it without no drama 🙌🏻