Drinking problem? 23 weeks pregnant

So let me start off by saying I love my husband and he’s generally a great person.

I’m 23 weeks pregnant and maybe things seem like a bigger deal to me then they actually are?

My husband used to drink like every day, pretty much black out drunk or to the point where he wasn’t coherent.

Since finding out we’re pregnant he’s really cut back. But when he drinks he’s gone, like not the same person. There have been recent times where he was so drunk he peed the bed in the middle of the night. More than once. And there have been other things.

When he’s not drinking, he comes home after work and is just on his phone or computer. Obsessively. Like no contribution to the household, I think I’m having a conversation with him when I realize he hasn’t heard anything I said he’s so distracted.

So really I feel like he’s non existent. Or just there for no reason. He always says he’s so tired after work and doesn’t want to do anything.

I work full time just like him, similar job. I clean and do little projects here and there to prep for the baby.

On the weekends we go do stuff and always have a good time, like everything is great.

It’s so discouraging to me that he just doesn’t care about this family or being a contributing household member.

It’s stupid to divorce over something so insignificant it seems like. He knows how I feel we have the same argument every 2 days and he says he gets it and he’ll change.

At this point I’m so unhappy with him. It’s not good for the baby or for me to feel this way either. In my culture marriage is forever unless there is abuse or cheating. I’m just so sad all the time. 😢

Is this normal? Is it just me? Is it one of those things where in reality relationships aren’t that great? We’ve been married 8 years. Just suck it up? But then how do I not become bitter hateful and resentful?