What should I do?

So I went to a garage/house party on the weekend and got a bit closer with this guy I’ve known of for about a year. I caught one of his friends going through my bag and he stole my drink!! Dick move but we got that figured out and he gave it back. But this guy, his friend, was being really nice and offered to buy me more because he felt bad that his friend was stealing mine. Later he got up and left and I took his spot, he came back and I told him he could have his seat back but instead he shared it with me. I also caught him saying “she’s beautiful”, we were both kinda drunk but I really like this guy. He makes me happy 😊. Later he got up and grabbed another chair to put together for us to share and put his arm around me for about 2 hours . Yes we sat there for 2 hours, just chatting with some mutual friends. What should I do???? I like him but idk if feels the same. We just snap now but that’s about it and haven’t really talked since Saturday.