Boss gave me great news today!

Sprinkles Mom • #1 💙 03/19/19 #2 EDD 03/19/21

So I was sitting at my desk and my boss walks in and says... You realise your leaving us in 16weeks (I respond with yesssss)...

Then she says... Do you realise you have a boat load of holiday time you MUST use up before you leave (I am a bit of a work-a-holic and rarely take them)...

I work a Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00 job (which I love)

My boss then proceeds to hand me my new work schedule (the pink is the days I must take off!!) *the grey is the start of my 18month of maternity leave*

I am still in shock that I MUST take off these (100% paid) days before I go off... what a blessing! I'll be so well rested and prepared for little bean to come xoxo

I also had the option to go off 4-5 weeks early but preferred this option better!