Birthday. (update)

My birthday is in a few days and my husbands was a few days ago and I like always went all out, had his sister who’s a baker and cake decorator do a cake and made him dinner and got him a gift of beer and a bottle of liquor as what he said is all he wants for him birthday, so a few days ago I over heard my daughter ask him “ Dad can I call auntie to have her make a cake” his response “Why we just had a cake we don’t need another and it’s not like she needs a cake” and I j ow he didn’t know I could hear him cuz I was in our room door shut tv up but I was standing my the door about to come out when she asked, it just hurts my feelings so much cuz he does nothing for my birthday ever and the fact that he said “It’s not like she needs it” hurts my feeling cuz I’m pretty sure it’s cuz I’m fat and not skinny like I was 15 yrs 2 kids ago and he says he likes the way that I am but I’m pretty sure he just confirmed that he don’t cuz he has changed how he treats me and looks at me and how he just never wants sex anymore.

I hav wracked him him about everything and he just blows it off like it’s nothing and I’m being retarded them are his exact words to me always. When I talked to him earlier today about going out for my birthday so I don’t hav to cook dinner cuz he does not k is how to cook he said “no reason to go out it’s just another day” like he always says about birthdays and our anniversary, last year I got a ring for our anniversary and that’s because someone said a comment to him on why he don’t get me something ever for anything so he started to bitch at me thinking I said something cuz he didn’t get me anything.

I wish it was so easy for me to be able to go out and get something for myself but he gets pissed if I spend a dime on anything that’s not meant for him or for in the house that he will use and unfortunately I really don’t have friends to hang out with they all have jobs and kids too so it’s way to hard to to that and last time I spend $13 on coffee and something to drink for me and our kids I got bitched and everything and if I make any money he is telling me how to spend it like “Oh you want to just go get beer for me since you have cash” or “ Go out gas in my car for work tomorrow with it, so the last few times I’ve Baby sat my nephew and that I didn’t tell him since he was at work and that and didn’t tell him I got paid or like this past Saturday I babysat over night at their house so my brother and sister in law could got somewheres and I got paid and I didn’t tell him I got paid.