TTC for over 2 years


So my husband and I have been trying for over 2 years to have our second. Our first was a medical miracle. I have PCOS and I was on birth control and previously they told me even with <a href="">fertility treatment</a> hey said I didn’t have a chance of pregnancy. Well surprise lol out daughter was born almost 3 years ago on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. She amazing !! I’m so blessed but we have been actually trying for so long to have another baby it’s so depending. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love having my daughter and even if she’s the only one I have I am truly blessed and lucky beyond words but I don’t feel like my family is complete. This week I am 4 days late which has never happened since I was a teen except for when I was pregnant for my daughter. I’ve taken sooooo many tests and all have been negative. I’m trying so hard not to get my soul crushed but it’s hard. How soon should it be showing up if it is positive? When I found out about my daughter I was already 6 weeks and she had a heartbeat so I’m at a loss. I also had spotting the first day I was supposed to have my period for my daughter. I had just assumed it was stress even though I’ve never had issues from stress ( or at least that kind ) I just desperately want to know either way cause this not knowing is killing me. So far I’m not having any symptoms I did with my daughter ( soar breasts , stupid tired, depression, or sensitivity) so I’m at a loss !