He Switched Up


I met a guy on Tinder back in August. We’ve talked every single day since the day that he sent me a dm. We’ve went out a few times. Added each other’s social media’s and all. We’ve also had sex a few times now. The first time we had sex he basically begged me to spend the night, but I honestly had to leave. He’d meet me at the train when I would come over to his place. We’ve had some damn good conversations. Overly he seemed like a pretty good guy and I think he is, but he did tell me that he was ALWAYS depressed. I’ve dealt with psychopaths, sociopaths, but never someone who is depressed, so this is a first and I don’t know how to help him especially not at this time of the year because I have seasonal depression. Over the last few weeks our conversations have been pretty dull which is unusual for us. For the last two days I’ve been texting his phone, but he hasn’t responded, but he’ll respond to every snap I send him, so I brought that up and he basically said that he still responds to the snaps. I try to start up a conversation on Snapchat and ask him what he’s doing for Thanksgiving and whether or not he’s excited. He said not really and I said I would’ve invited him over to my dinner, but it wouldn’t be possible. Long story shorter, he basically said that he doesn’t want to meet my family and he didn’t want me to meet his. Now, I did forget to mention that he doesn’t like meeting new people, so I wasn’t complaining about him meeting my family, but when he said he didn’t want me to meet his…it hurt my feelings a little bit because what? Am I not good enough? So I ask him why and he answers my question with a question. He never answered my question, then proceeded to post that he doesn’t know who texted him, but if they follow him on snap to unfollow him. I am one of the people that follows him. He then posted that his life was on Do Not Disturb with the remembering Stan Lee filter. He’s a huge Marvel fan, but clearly he was in a pissy mood and I felt like he was shutting me out and trying to push me away. What the fuck do I do? Because I actually do like him and do care for him now, but the guy I met a few months ago…this isn’t the same guy, but I don’t want to give up on him. I just want him to communicate with me like a grown ass man should. Any advice?