Stay at home mommies


Alright all you stay at home moms, got a question for you. Those of you that still have to get up in the middle of the night to feed your baby, how do you do it as far as who gets up to feed. I’m torn weather we should share the night time feedings or not. I’m torn because I stay home and he goes to work, should he have to get up to some nights to help or not since he has to get up and go to work. The problem I’m having is that he is also the parent and a break would be nice, also he falls back asleep much quicker than I do so he isn’t loosing that much sleep, as to where me by the time I get up go to the bathroom, get the bottle ready, get the baby up, change her, feed her, burp her, get her settled back done asleep, pump, put my pumping stuff up and try to go back to sleep then the baby is hungry again and I have to start all over. He doesn’t realize by the time I do all that I’m not going back to sleep. I mentioned to him about doing a every other night type thing but he didn’t really say a whole lot. So just wondering how everyone else does it because I’m torn on whether he should have to get up to.

A part of me says yes and a part of me says no.