This is not how I imagine pregnancy to be like

Since 7 weeks pregnant I have struggled with hyperemesis gravidum being hospitalised and then in my second trimester my kidneys had a blockage so I was struggling to walk. All this made it difficult to work. I’m now in my last trimester at 33 weeks and I’m being constantly sick, migraines, back pain and occasional diaherra, As much as I want my baby to be okay and cook for as long as he needs, I’m in the feeling of fed up and wanting to meet my baby now over the selfish reasons of to feel normal as this pregnancy has effected all aspects of my life! I love this baby so much but the constant waking up and not knowing how I will be today, is becoming daunting, I know how precious life is as after my first miscarriage, pregnancy isn’t what o expected, I’m hoping there is other mums who have experienced this and who also felt like this during the pregnancy? I hope it’s not just me that feels this way 😩